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Film Genesis

It’s been quite a few years since I began my (long) journey with Light Years, but I am often asked about how I got the idea for the film. Well, the idea kind of got a hold of me…

One blustery day while walking in Manhattan, my head bent down against the cold wind, I spotted an elderly woman navigating the slush, hands firmly gripped on a walker. As we moved toward each other I was struck by the combination of fear and determination on her face.

I thought about how we disregard older adults, literally “graying out” their potential and range as individuals. I thought about the huge wave of Baby Boomers heading into their sixties. I thought about how some people continue to grow as they grow older, and about the difference between surviving and thriving no matter how old we are. And I knew a spark had ignited that would lead me to make Light Years.

It’s been a long journey over the years with innumerable struggles, but I remain passionate about the film’s social/cultural relevance, good timing, the power of reinvention stories, and the infectious enthusiasm of Dee, Anita and Paul.

My vision for Light Years is that their stories inspire viewers to revise ideas about later life and illuminate the creative, resilient attitudes that can reshape our lives at any age.

aging in general + how look at older people in your life + how you view possibilities of your own later years